MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro
MacBook Pro MacBook Pro MacBook Pro
Производитель: Apple
Артикул: Product 18
Бонусные баллы: 800
Наличие: В наличии
Цена: 37449 руб.
Без НДС: 37449 руб.
Количество:     - или -   В заметки
В сравнения

В нашем интернет-магазине Вы можете купить Apple MacBook Pro (модель - Product 18) со скидкой, проконсультироваться. Наши менеджеры с радостью ответят на все интересующие Вас вопросы касающиеся нашей продукции.

Latest Intel mobile architecture

Powered by the most advanced mobile processors from Intel, the new Core 2 Duo MacBook Pro is over 50% faster than the original Core Duo MacBook Pro and now supports up to 4GB of RAM.

Leading-edge graphics

The NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT delivers exceptional graphics processing power. For the ultimate creative canvas, you can even configure the 17-inch model with a 1920-by-1200 resolution display.

Designed for life on the road

Innovations such as a magnetic power connection and an illuminated keyboard with ambient light sensor put the MacBook Pro in a class by itself.

Connect. Create. Communicate.

Quickly set up a video conference with the built-in iSight camera. Control presentations and media from up to 30 feet away with the included Apple Remote. Connect to high-bandwidth peripherals with FireWire 800 and DVI.

Next-generation wireless

Featuring 802.11n wireless technology, the MacBook Pro delivers up to five times the performance and up to twice the range of previous-generation technologies.

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